After the OS was upgraded, Gallery3 service showed an error message of HTTP Error 500. I've tried to debug the reason with xdebug, but it didn't show any helpful messages. I tried to find out some information from Google, but it is said that someone said Gallery 3 is not compatible to PHP7. It was sad of the compatibility bad news.
However, I didn't give up, when there are too many photos was linked. It is a lot of works to upgrad it. After searched Good, I found this website Gallery The Revival where the revival version of 3.1.2 seems compatible with then new PHP7. But unfortunately after I forced overwrite all the files, the Gallery3 website still showed the same error. I've checked that the var/database.php uses mysqli as the connection. It is obviously not the reason of the error.
The setting looks no problem.
$config['default'] = array(
'benchmark' => false,
'persistent' => false,
'connection' => array(
'type' => 'mysqli',
'user' => 'admin',
'pass' => 'admin',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => false,
'socket' => false,
'database' => 'gallery3',
'params' => null,
'character_set' => 'utf8',
'table_prefix' => '',
'object' => true,
'cache' => false,
'escape' => true
So, it seems installing a clean 3.1.2 is the way to verify the compatibility issue.
In the installation page, I found the reasons immediately. It was just simply related to the uninstalled PHP modules! I was stupid! There are 3 modules need to be installed by the apt commands on Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt install php-gd
sudo apt install php-xml
sudo apt install php-mbstring
After restarted the apache2 server by the command:
sudo service apache2 restart
The Gallery 3.0.9 server worked perfect with PHP7! It was back. Very nice! :) I can upgrade it to 3.1.2 later :)
If you are using Gallery 3 in Ubuntu 20.04 server, you have to enable the setting short_open_tag. Find this line by editing /etc/php/7.X/apache2/php.ini and just simple modify this line to:
short_open_tag = On