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顯示具有 應用程式 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

Ubuntu 20.04 iBus 酷音輸入法編輯使用者詞彙

在 Linux作業系統中,由於輸入法系統的開發,讓中文能暢行無阻,無論輸入搜尋關鍵字,或是編寫一篇文章,都能順利以注音、倉頡、拼音輸入法為之。目前 Ubuntu 20.04 版,預設安裝 iBus 輸入法系統,使用者可以在 iBus 中,安裝酷音輸入法或其他種類的輸入法,用以輸入中文。
當你安裝 Ubuntu 20.04 時,有安裝中文字型的話,安裝過程會順便安裝酷音輸入法,並且你可以在「地區和語言」的系統設定項目中,更改酷音輸入法的相關設定,比如把預設的注音鍵盤,改成能夠更快速輸入的許氏注音鍵盤或倚天26鍵注音鍵盤,比 Windows 系統需要自行匯入這些不同注音鍵盤的定義檔,來得更方便。

Is Gallery3 Compatible with PHP7? Yes!

Gallery3 (http://galleryproject.org/)  is a free easy-to-manage photo gallery web application. It managed the photos like the way you put them in a HDD, but allows you to make a linkage to the file with website assess. I've used it for many years as the photo storage places for blog. However, I faced some problems after the OS was upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 Server to Ubuntu 18.04 Server, while the PHP was upgraded from PHP5 to PHP7 in Ubuntu 18.04. The gallery3 version I've installed was version 3.0.9.

After the OS was upgraded, Gallery3 service showed an error message of HTTP Error 500. I've tried to debug the reason with xdebug, but it didn't show any helpful messages. I tried to find out some information from Google, but it is said that someone said Gallery 3 is not compatible to PHP7. It was sad of the compatibility bad news.