Gallery3 ( is a free easy-to-manage photo gallery web application. It managed the photos like the way you put them in a HDD, but allows you to make a linkage to the file with website assess. I've used it for many years as the photo storage places for blog. However, I faced some problems after the OS was upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 Server to Ubuntu 18.04 Server, while the PHP was upgraded from PHP5 to PHP7 in Ubuntu 18.04. The gallery3 version I've installed was version 3.0.9.
After the OS was upgraded, Gallery3 service showed an error message of HTTP Error 500. I've tried to debug the reason with xdebug, but it didn't show any helpful messages. I tried to find out some information from Google, but it is said that someone said Gallery 3 is not compatible to PHP7. It was sad of the compatibility bad news.