Anycubic Mega-S Cura Settings 列印機設定

In order to slice the stl model correctly and use full functions in Cura for my new Anycubic i3 Mega S, I need to modify the settings from the original default settings of "Anycubic i3 Mega" in the "Add Printer" menu. Most of the default settings are incorrect for my new Mega-S, need to be corrected.

Cura 新增列印機的選單中,有個現成的設定,但是裡面的設定不對,需要改動。選用多模型各別完成列印 (One at a Time) 的功能(在列印順序,Print Sequence 選項),設定錯誤,會造成模型撞機,擺放會造成撞機的狀況,Cura 會自動警告,而且不會執行切片工作。

Print Sequence selection in Cura

It is important to define correct Printhead Settings if you selected "One at a Time" in print sequence. Wrong printhead safe area setting will cause accident of impacts while printhead moving.


Observe the nozzle module bottom-up, it looks like the below photo.
Bottom-up view, left and right reversed
The center of the nozzle maps to the zero point in XY plant. Measure the coordinate of each axis, we got:
Xmin: -35  (negative value)
Ymin: -49  (negative value)
Xmax: 33
Ymax: 42
Gantry Height: 45

The above values can be inserted into the machine settings in the menu of Settings -> Printer -> "Manage Printers" -> "Machine Settings" after you added a new printer.

在Cura 新增列印機之後,把上面的數值填入列印機的機器參數中。另外,還有龍門高度的設定,這個設定,可以限制每個在平台上模型的安全高度,預先計算高度合不合。像 Prusa 這種架構,龍門高度就是熱床平台的XY平面,到龍門最低點(XY平面往上垂直移動,直到平面有一點會撞到龍門某處的高度。預設是0,代表忽略。
如果你改動這個值以後,就不能再設成0了,高度會維持前一次的設定。如果你的列印機,裡面是四四方方的空間,這個值就填入原廠給的可列印高度也可。像這台 Mega-S,原廠給的可列印高度是 205mm,當列印頭降到最低時,橫桿跟熱床之間,大約為45mm。下面的螢幕截圖,把高度設成 40mm,左邊的那個模型超過40mm高度,便不能被切片了,並顯示斜條紋警告。

The setting of the "Gantry Hight" indicates the height between XY plane (bed) to the lowest point of the gantry maps to XY plane. The default setting 0 ignores this height, and equal to printer height setting. If you have some reason the increase or decrease this value, modify it. The below example is a 40mm gantry height, which makes the left model forbidden to be sliced.

40mm setting of "Gantry Height" caused the left 

Typically, this value can be ignored, or insert a value equal or larger than the acceptable print z-axis size defined by the printer vendor. In my case, Anycubic Mega-S is 205mm. After you modified the original value 0, this value will not be ignored by 0 any more.

