Anycubic Mega mainboard pinout 3D列印機主板腳位

I've used my first 3D printer, Dreamaker, for more than 5 years. After upgraded the firmware to Marlin 2.x.x for weeks, the power supply was damaged last week. Luckily, I found the same 24V 10A power supply from a Taiwanese Shopee seller, and it was repaired. However, there are still some small issues left, such as noisy fan, dirty bearing, wore rod sleeve, dirty bearing... It needs overhaul, although it will be a nightmare..., when I cannot forget how it was assembled by my hands. Honestly speaking,  a Ultimaker-like 3D printer is not really good design for maintenance.
Buying a new 3D printer was planed in my mind for a period due to the above reasons. Last week, I purchased a new 3D printer, Anycubic i3 Mega-S, which is a Prusa i3-like 3D printer with wonderful price. There are many Youtuber reviews as well as the printed samples, so, I selected this one as my second 3D printer.
Anycubic i3 Mega

By the experience in upgrading the Marlin firmware with my old printer, I'm thinking of upgrading this new printer with the latest Marlin firmware. So, I made some records here for my future study.

Bottom controller box

晚上剛完成基本的試機,但因為 Cura 的設定檔還沒研究,而原廠隨機附的貓頭鷹Gcode原始檔是PLA的設定,不是ABS,因此還沒有實際測試列印。但是剛擠出 ABS 的時候,發現線寬粗細不一,這是我以前沒有遇過的狀況,不知道是不是 E3D V5擠出頭的特性 (噴頭短,之前那台 Dreamaker 的噴頭,長度大概有20mm,沒有遇過擠出粗細不均勻的這種狀況。
  1. 組裝很容易,只用8顆+2顆螺絲,就把龍門與主機結合,並鎖上料架
  2. 走線不是很理想,一些主要的線懸空露在外面。像照片中左邊的X軸電機馬達線,感覺很脆弱。怕容易斷線。之後要設計一些支撐架之類的東西加裝。
  3. 送料管應該用粗一點的,比較堅固,還可以當作噴頭加熱器、感測器走線的支架。
  4. 風扇聲音不大,但步進馬達比較大聲,但還可以接受。
  5. 微動開關,焊在一片小 PCB板再轉接出來,維修會比較麻煩,原廠有附一個備用。Z軸微動開關,有一片開關焊接歪斜,感覺 Low。
  6. Home原點的Z軸是0,覺得不太習慣。原本那台Dreammaker Z軸0點在最高點,這樣比較好,還沒調好平台回Home時,不容易誤操作刮傷平台。要改這台比較麻煩,龍門高處沒有可以固定的螺絲孔。
  7. 熱床彎曲。中間稍高、兩邊低,跟其他買家留言遇到的狀況一樣。擔心未來印ABS零件的時候,會容易翹邊(實際試機以後才知道)。
  8. 列印頭有點大、笨重的感覺。這麼大的列印頭,裡面要是裝一顆白光LED,照射列印噴嘴的方向,列印過程可以看清楚模型表面,這樣就更棒了。
  9. 韌體固件的功能簡潔(陋),很多設定都沒有,沒辦法調整參數,沒辦法自行更改預熱溫度等等。看來非得刷 Marlin 原版 2.x.x 程式,功能會多一點。
  10. 12V的電源,未來零件應該比我原來那台 24V的好買。台灣的網拍賣家,比較少 24V的料件。
  11. 不喜歡觸控螢幕,尤其這種軟軟的電阻式觸控,感覺容易壞。
  12. 我喜歡這種開放式的 Prusa架構,各個機構細節都很容易觀察、維護。

DC 12V 25A, 300W power supply

Trigorilla main board

CPU used on Trigorilla main board

Anycubic Trigorilla main board pin out 

