Anycubic Mega-S Cura Settings 列印機設定

In order to slice the stl model correctly and use full functions in Cura for my new Anycubic i3 Mega S, I need to modify the settings from the original default settings of "Anycubic i3 Mega" in the "Add Printer" menu. Most of the default settings are incorrect for my new Mega-S, need to be corrected.

Cura 新增列印機的選單中,有個現成的設定,但是裡面的設定不對,需要改動。選用多模型各別完成列印 (One at a Time) 的功能(在列印順序,Print Sequence 選項),設定錯誤,會造成模型撞機,擺放會造成撞機的狀況,Cura 會自動警告,而且不會執行切片工作。

Print Sequence selection in Cura

Anycubic Mega mainboard pinout 3D列印機主板腳位

I've used my first 3D printer, Dreamaker, for more than 5 years. After upgraded the firmware to Marlin 2.x.x for weeks, the power supply was damaged last week. Luckily, I found the same 24V 10A power supply from a Taiwanese Shopee seller, and it was repaired. However, there are still some small issues left, such as noisy fan, dirty bearing, wore rod sleeve, dirty bearing... It needs overhaul, although it will be a nightmare..., when I cannot forget how it was assembled by my hands. Honestly speaking,  a Ultimaker-like 3D printer is not really good design for maintenance.
Buying a new 3D printer was planed in my mind for a period due to the above reasons. Last week, I purchased a new 3D printer, Anycubic i3 Mega-S, which is a Prusa i3-like 3D printer with wonderful price. There are many Youtuber reviews as well as the printed samples, so, I selected this one as my second 3D printer.
Anycubic i3 Mega

用 Arduino 寫 NodeMCU V3 的 Blink 程式但 LED 不會閃

NodeMCU 是一款基於 ESP-12E WiFi 無線微控制器的開發板,本身已經內建了USB To TTL 晶片,因此在開發的時候,直接連接板子上的 Micro USB 接頭到電腦,就可以直接燒寫,而且支援 Arduino IDE 開發環境,對於原本就熟悉 Arduino 的開發者來說,拿到就可以直接上手。
拍賣網上,可以找到好幾款不同版本的 NodeMCU,價格不一。我買到的這個版本,叫做「NodeMCU V3 Lua WiFi 開發板」,不到 NT$70 就能買到(作為數位 I/O 控制,你說,這個價格,要我選擇 Arduino Nano 還是它?)。