ATtiny85 的 DigiSpark山寨可插拔開發編程板

在蝦皮購買電子零件的時候,意外發現這個小工具,上面有 USB 插槽供電、連線電腦,以及 8-DIP 的IC插槽,可以安插 ATtiny 85/45/25 這幾種的8隻腳的MCU,而且旁邊還有引出8支排針,看起來很方便,價錢也超便宜,就順便買了。 
DigiSpark 山寨可插拔開發板
原本以為有了這個工具,可以用USB來編程測試,邊寫邊試,完成後可以直接把 IC 拔起來,焊上去麵包板、PCB板就能用了,以後還可以當燒錄器重複燒錄,這樣豈不太方便了?
買來後仔細看一下電路板,才發現不是這麼一回事,不但板子上沒有看到任何 USB 控制 IC,裝上 ATtiny85 連接 USB之後,電腦根本認不到這片板子。

Install Marlin 2.0.x to A 3DYMY RAMPS 1.4 Plus Controller

I bought a 3D printer, Dreamaker, from a Chinese company in Taobao some year ago. It came with a DIY kit with a 3DYMY RAMPS 1.4 Plus controller board. It surprised me with its printing quality and performance, as well as the US$290 price (~NT$8700). After years goes, it still works pretty good without problems, except the getting worse finishing quality due to the nozzle wear. After replaced it with a new cheap $0.5 nozzle from a Taiwanese supplier, it looks better, and I've just cease my desire of buying a new printer. But I did expected to upgrade it with some new fancy functions, and actually I can take this risk now even I screwing it up finally, because I can have good reason to buy a new one then :)